Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Life is good.

Life is good. Today is sunny and looks warm. It's not. This is late February in Upstate New York. My homework is basic and boring. My classes are too easy. My extended family has messed up and our vacation is scheduled for the week after my spring break. I am being forced to go! I don't want to miss school and I could stay with my Grandma. Nope. I have to go. Oh the torture(she types sarcastically)! Nothing worth sharing is happening right now in my life. Well, I made a kool-aid pouch lunch bag. That's it.


  1. So you'll get 2 weeks of vacation?? Lucky!

    Yes the weather was considerably nicer today. Made my overall mood considerably nicer too!

  2. Yes. No!
    Yes, very nice, better today.

  3. Well, that's good you get two weeks off! You said school was boring and too easy anyway.
