Thursday, December 25, 2008

Welcome To My New Blog!

This is my new blog! Hello, and if you are here(which you are), HI! During the next week, you may see this blog change as I add the "Ranney Flare" to it! Don't be alarmed! I will now be posting the majority of my high school drama and non-sense here. So, sit back, relax and enjoy!


  1. Whoo hoo! So glad your new blog is "up and running"!
    You've got a bright blogging future ahead of you!

  2. Looking forward to it!! Love your blog!!

  3. Have fun blogging! Within three weeks, I was hooked.

  4. Hi people I don't know that comment on my blog! Thank you!

  5. Hey-so if you click on the people's names that comment to you it will take you to their profile page where you can find their blog to click on. Then you can read their blog and learn all about them and they won't be such a 'stranger' anymore!
