Sunday, December 28, 2008

New Blog Photo Shoot

Photobucket PhotobucketHere are the pictures from a "Photo Shoot" we did at Alicia's (YaYa's) house while pretty-fying my new blog. This is the right blog. We missed a step while making my other one, so we had to make this one so it was possible to pretty-fy it. They are pretty awsome, and so is this new blog! WOO HOO! Thank you YAYA! You ROCK!!! There are so many things she helped me with... I think I am addicted! Hahaha.

Photobucket Photobucket



  1. Love these pictures!

    Blogging IS addicting!

  2. your blog is superb ! love the graffic :) keep it up ~

  3. Love the pics!! Whoo Hoo...i am your 2nd follower!!

  4. I am a blogaholic and I am not ashamed to admit it!

    I like your blog layout:)

  5. I am here by way of YaYa. She is a neat person and I figure if you guys are related you are probably pretty cool. I'm old enough to be your nana, but I have a young spirit. My daughter always teases me because I like teenager shows. I used to love Gilmore Girls. Just because my body is old, it doesn't mean I have to think old. Blogging is super fun and I have 'met' so many wonderful people. Your blog looks great. I can't figure out how to change mine so until I do it will be kind of plain. Welcome to Bloggyland!

  6. You are a very talented young woman - I came here from your auntie ya-ya place.

    I have two little girls and can't imagine them having their own blog - but they will someday.

  7. Ranney,

    Hi! I'm a friend of Alicia's.

    Congratulations on your new blog! It's really cute!

    I know from reading your many comments on Alicia's blog that you are one very insightful, bright teenager!

    I think it's great that you have started your own blog. Yes. Blogging can be "addicting". So this is a "heads up" on that one. :)

    I tried adding as a "follower" but it won't let me. I have the same problem with my blog. Sometimes it will allow people to follow and other times it won't. It's not consistent.

    I don't understand why the following feature is inconsistent.

    Anyway, I'm happy for you; I know you have been contemplating having your own blog for awhile now.

    Blogging is a great outlet for expressing feelings and/or educating people and/or making people laugh... depending on your blog's focus.

    I have a feeling that your "Ranney Days" blog is going to make life sunnier for whomever reads it! :)

    Your positive energy is evident on your comments on Alicia's blog comment section! You are wise beyond your years and you are a breath of fresh air!

    Welcome to the blogging world!! :)

  8. Clearing up a few things... ALICIA IS NOT MY AUNT! SHE IS MY AMAZING COUSIN! I LOVE Gilmore girls... Alexis Bledel is my IDOL!
